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Responsible Use Policy - Students

Dayton I.S.D.
Responsible Use Student Policy 

We live in a changing world, where we have more and faster access to information than ever before. Students now can be both consumers and producers of information, and the District strives to be a 21st Century district taking advantage of the many new technologies and new methods of communication now available to our students.

We are trying to create an environment that provides guidelines for students and staff to use new technologies in a meaningful way and to embrace them in ways that align to the ISTE National Education Technology Standards. With access to these new technologies, students will have opportunities to learn and create like never before, but with these opportunities come new responsibilities.

The District provides an array of technology resources for student use. Additionally, students are allowed, and even encouraged, to bring their own technology devices to school each day for instructional purposes. It must be understood by students and parents that these devices should be fully charged and in working order upon arrival each day.District technical personnel will not troubleshoot problems with student-owned devices.  It should also be understood that the District will not be held responsible for damage or loss of student-owned devices.

This agreement outlines appropriate use and prohibited activities when using technology resources, whether district-owned or student-owned. Every student is expected to follow all guidelines stated below, as well as those given orally by the staff, and to demonstrate good citizenship and ethical behavior at all times.

By accepting this agreement, students and parents acknowledge the following rules and conditions:

I will use computers and mobile devices in conformity with laws of the United States and the State of Texas. Violations include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Criminal Acts – These include, but are not limited to, “hacking” or attempting to access computer systems without authorization, cyber bullying, cyber stalking, child pornography, vandalism, harassing email, and/or unauthorized tampering with computer systems.
  1. Libel Laws – Publicly defaming people through the published material on the Internet, through email, etc.
  1. Copyright Violations – Copying, selling or distributing copyrighted material without the express written permission of the author or publisher (users should assume that all materials available on the Internet are protected by copyright), or engaging in plagiarism (using others’ words or ideas as your own).


  1. I understand that passwords are private and that I am responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of my account. I will not allow others to use my account name and/or password, or try to use that of others. Furthermore, I understand that I am responsible for any activity which occurs under my account. I agree to immediately notify my teacher(s) if I feel that the security of my account has been compromised.
  1. I understand that masquerading, spoofing, or pretending to be someone else is forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, sending out e-mail, creating accounts, or posting messages or other online content (e.g. text, images, audio or video) in someone else's name as a joke.
  1. I will use technology resources responsibly. I will not retrieve, save, or display hate-based, offensive or sexually explicit material. I am responsible for avoiding material that could be considered offensive. I understand that I am to notify an adult immediately if by accident I encounter materials which violate appropriate use.
  1. I will use technology resources productively and responsibly for school-related purposes. I will avoid using any technology resource in such a way that would disrupt the activities of other users.
  1. I will refrain from attempting to bypass or circumvent security settings or Internet filters, or interfere with the operation of the network by installing illegal software or web-based services and software which have not been approved by the Network Administrator or Director of Technology.
  1. I understand that vandalism is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to modifying or destroying equipment, programs, files, or settings on any computer or other technology resource.
  1. I will respect the intellectual property of other users and information providers. I will obey copyright guidelines. I will not plagiarize or use others’ work without proper citation and permission.
  1. I will refrain from the use of or access of files, software, or other resources owned by others without the owner’s permission. I will use only those school network directories that are designated for my use or for the purpose designated by my teacher.
  1. I will not stream audio or video during the instructional day for personal entertainment as this may slow down the network for those who need additional bandwidth for instructional and/or administrative purposes.
  1. I will use only those school network directories that are designated for my use or for the purpose designated by a campus administrator.
  1. I understand that all content stored on District computers and/or networks is the property of the District.I also understand that the District reserves the right to review or scan any file or application stored on a computer/electronic device or passing through the network at any time, and may choose to do so periodically to audit the use of District resources.In carrying out an internal investigation, the District may monitor any and all computer activities of its users.


  1. I will be polite and will use appropriate language in my email messages, multi-user role-playing and/or virtual learning environments, online postings, and other digital communications with others. I will refrain from using profanity, vulgarities or any other inappropriate language (as determined by school administrators) online.
  1. I will use email and other means of communication (e.g. blogs, wikis, podcasts, vodcasts, discussion boards, etc.) responsibly. I will not use computers, handheld devices, digital audio players, cell phones, personal digital devices or the Internet to send or post hate or harassing mail, to upload or access pornography, to make discriminatory or derogatory remarks about others, or to engage in bullying, harassment, or other antisocial behaviors online.
  1. I understand that I should represent myself, my school and my District in a positive and upright manner in all of my online activities. I understand that what I do on social networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook should not reflect negatively on my fellow students, teachers, the District or myself.
  1. I will follow all guidelines set forth by the District and/or my teachers when publishing schoolwork online (e.g. to a website, blog, wiki, discussion board, podcast or video server).
  1. I understand the Internet is a source for information that is both true and false, and that the school is not responsible for inaccurate information obtained from the Internet.
  1. I understand that my school network and email accounts are owned by the District and that I should not consider them to be private. Dayton ISD has the right to access and/or monitor my electronic communication and/or digital files at any time.
  1. I agree to abide by all Internet safety guidelines that are provided by the school and to complete all assignments related to Internet safety.

I understand that District administrators will deem what conduct is inappropriate use if such conduct is not specified in this agreement.

Parent or Guardian:

As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Responsible Use Policy for Computers and Networks. I understand that computer/network access is provided for educational purposes in keeping with the academic goals of the District, and that student use for any other purpose is inappropriate. I recognize it is impossible for the District to restrict access to all controversial materials, and I will not hold the school or District responsible for materials acquired on the school network. I understand that children’s computer activities at home should be supervised as they can affect the academic environment at school. Furthermore, if my student employs a personal device for school-related activities, I will not hold the district responsible for any charges resulting from my student exceeding his/her text or data plan, nor will I hold the district responsible for loss or damage to my student’s device.

I hereby give permission for my child to use computer resources at the District and/or to bring their own digital devices for school use.

Parent or Guardian's Name (please print)   ___________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature _____________________________   Date:  _________


I understand and will abide by the above Responsible Use Agreement. Should I commit a violation, I understand that consequences of my actions could include suspension of computer privileges, disciplinary action, and/or referral to law enforcement.

Student Signature: __________________________________ Date:  ____________

Sharing Policy for Students and Parents
The spirit of technology education is one of sharing. We create blogs, podcasts, videos, wikis and other social media, but we don't create them for one person. We create them to share with the class, the school, the district, the community, and perhaps, the world, because we understand that a global audience drives achievement. In class, we may share our writing work with students in other schools, other states, and perhaps other countries. In all instances, students’ personal information is always kept confidential and is not shared online, adhering to the COPPA.

By signing the RUP agreement, you are stating that you understand the acceptable conduct parameters for computer use and you are providing consent for your child to utilize the district’s computers and network. Additionally, you are consenting to allow your student to participate in all related classroom activities.If you do not want your child to share his/her electronic work on the types of sites described above, please send a letter to your child’s school within 2 weeks of the receipt of the Student Handbook stating your denial of those activities.


Updated and approved by the Dayton ISD Board of Trustees, May 15, 2012


Curriclulum & Instruction